Every season we stand

Every season we stand
Trip to Perth (Photographed in 2014)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Year-end Ramblings: Of Little Angels, Life and Energy

I am tremendously grateful to the two little angels that kept my mind and my soul from falling into the abyss of absolute chaos. People were driving me crazy left, right, centre during this intense period starting October and we have had to put out numerous fires, mostly started by irresponsible contractors with callous attitudes and lousy work ethics (OK, what's new?) I was worn out through and through.

But my little angels visited occasionally and that just made my day. Like a shot in the arm and a pick-me-up. Ash is currently rather excited about tea-making. So when she popped by recently, I always got good help from her in making us tea. Generally, she derives great satisfaction taking orders, counting the number of cups we need and checking if the water has boiled. She served well too, including asking if the guests would like honey in their tea or honey-plus-sugar. Tris shows his most cheeky self in our company. He gave us his version of 'smile-for-the-camera' on Dad's birthday. I was in stitches just watching his mischievious deviant act, knowing how his mommy has trained him to smile 'properly' for the camera. This little boy knows about 'testing his boundaries and being inventive'. Hee, cheeky!

Most times, we don't have them with us. So the next best thing for me is to browse their photographs. And that would bring out the smile on my face and let me forget my stress temporarily. Pictures of our dear ones and loved ones, particularly of children. They are images, which to me, have great therapeutic effects. Magical. When I see their beautiful faces, I vicariously hear their laughter and their chatter. (I even employ this special 'imagery' technique to help me calm my nerves on the dental chair! Ha!) Then I long to be with them. And the longing would somehow morphed into a sense of positive anticipation for the next meet up. Isn't this the essence of a tender bonding?

I am grateful I can feel this way towards my family and friends. It gives me life and energy.

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