Every season we stand

Every season we stand
Trip to Perth (Photographed in 2014)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Waves & The Bay

These are places me & hubs would hang out when we were still just a couple. We would lay at the Waves, play David Tao on iPod, star-gaze & chat about our hopes & dreams.

At the Bay & island, we would survey the progress of Reflections & dream about owning a yacht. Hubs would talk about fishing.

So it isn't strange that the weekend that Angelin turned seven months, we had, in serendipity, brought her to these two favorite hang out spots. A night stroll at the Waves & the Hill listening to crickets. A day walk under cool drizzling skies in a quiet charming island, boat-watching & saying hello to a sailing boat which cruised by us.

Now that there are the three of us, I just want to be thankful & remember how all these came about. Never forget to be grateful for life's most precious moments & people.

We went boat-watching

Since Papa has made Angel a model boat, we wanted to show Angel what real boats looked like. It was a cooling nice walk at Keppel island. The wet weather didn't dampen our spirits and Angel was cheerful and curious about her new environment, turning towards the sound of running waters and laying on our shoulders contentedly in the cool breeze. She wore Jie Jie's pink dress, Aunty SF's socks and Aunty Sharlene's cool shoes: a perfect comfy combo fit for the occasion of boat-watching.




Friday, June 3, 2011

Angel's first dip

Tristan's Five!





Tristan's five and awfully smart. He just needs to grow taller so that his physique matches his brain power. Go, Tristan, Go!
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