Every season we stand

Every season we stand
Trip to Perth (Photographed in 2014)

Friday, November 30, 2012


Angel's footprints made into a flower by her infant care teachers.
Handmade vase by Bestie for last year's Christmas.
Dried lavender from the bouquet Bestie gave me for this year's surprise birthday.

I am mightily pleased to put them altogether - my treasures. They remind me of the love I give away & the love I receive in return.

Braces Anyone?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Tristan Has Graduated!

I can't be more proud of Tristan's achievements and the very practical ways his parents have shown their love and support towards him. The fruits of their labour are clearly seen at Tristan's graduation. 

Speak of love for the little ones. Love is when you believe you can do something to change the destiny of your child. Love is hope when the going gets tough. Love is acceptance mixed with faith that the child can do better. I see all these played out in real life. With a perseverence and tenacity that surpass the ordinary pursuit. I am thankful to God for giving me such excellent role models. Most of all, I am just thankful that I am Tristan's Yiyi.




The youngest guest among us!

Tristan giving his graduation speech in Mandarin.

Tristan was the praying mantis in the play.




Saturday, November 17, 2012

Reflection of the week: Making Much of God

When we are making much of God, we feel good about ourselves, we feel loved.
In making much of God, I obtain a sense of security, of significance. The more you love God, the more you feel loved.
The key to being happy is when you love God. Love wants to bless, love wants to give. Love doesn't keep to oneself.
I am thinking hard about this. Do I seek to make much of God in my life? Or am I just doing things, keeping busy for myself, my own ego and pride and self-gratification?
Do I check out when the going gets tough, most of all when I gain nothing out of it personally and when it becomes too inconvenient? As I examine my life, making much of God often means surrendering in love even when it may not be fully justifiable, it means showing love and kindness when it may not be reciprocated. It means labouring in love, despite of...
God always has His ways to grow me. To increase in His glory. He has never let up. By my own choices and by His divine appointment, I am always in life circumstances that call for me to make much of God. Most times like a wilful toddler and an impulsive baby (of which I am now called to raise in my family), I complain and whine. Life is sucky sometimes. But deep down, I know God will not let up on me. It will be my lifelong assignment. To be making much of God.
Thank you Lord!
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