Every season we stand

Every season we stand
Trip to Perth (Photographed in 2014)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Goodbye, my Sky Sanctuary


Saying goodbye is hard. I cried when we emptied the house. I remember those days of hard work & sleep-deprived nights planning for and setting up this home. Our labour of love. The reflection of our shared commitment.
We gave a lot of thought to redesign the space in the kitchen, maximizing every inch. Although I now have a much bigger kitchen, this nifty space here really has much more than it looks on the outside. It remains my best-planned, concept kitchen.

Now, the new study, with a calming garden view.

 photo photo
 And the unpacking continues...

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Mother's Day 2012

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Thank you, Nic & Mama for remembering Godma!

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Teachers' Farewell Blessings moved me to tears!

One of Angel's infant teachers made this video clip as a farewell gift for her. I was truly not expecting this but as it turned out, it was one of those meaningful and thoughtful gestures that moved me to tears. And it will continue to do so -- even after many many years, I'm sure. Somehow, people around us know just how special Angel is. And one day, our little cupcake will grow up realizing it herself. Her history and her destiny.

A big sister in Toddler Class melted my heart!

This was taken in the first few days of Angel's transition to Toddler class. It was a big adjustment for my cupcake. Luckily there was a sweet girl in the other class who took the responsibility to take care of Angel. She was in Angel's infant class but had graduated much earlier. I am quite convinced children are naturals when it comes to caring and sharing. After all, the little ones reflect the best in us & we are our best when we are with them. P.S. Angel has started doing the same thing to the toddlers who have just recently joined her class. Sweetness begets sweetness.
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