Every season we stand

Every season we stand
Trip to Perth (Photographed in 2014)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Circle of Life (Bunny year sucks??)

Last day of the Tiger year & I am bemoaning the "growl" that this vicious animal had on my life during his reign. Well, no, I am not exactly the superstitious type. In fact, I don't give a damn really what the Chinese zodiac sign is. My modus operandi in life, as my closed ones well know, is simple: just how much control do I have over external events that happen to me? I take as much control as possible. That's it. Period. If I dun have control, I just let go & let nature, let God, whatever label you give it. It doesn't matter truly. Cos there's no personal control in the first place. So no personal responsibility.

OK, so back to the tiger business after digressing. This aggressive ferocious carnivore of a year! I am not superstitious but I fancy the way it can be used to describe all the upsetting, unsettling, unnerving events that befell upon us this year. Do I need to recount them one by one? No, it's for me to know my mental list & for you to guess, if you are a psychic, that is.

Life is a circle. It just goes on & on, in a circular manner. When a dream is fulfilled, it is in the past but the fulfilment of that dream doesn't necessarily mean the end of dreams. Ironically, no. It just means the opening for other dreams to come to past. That's how we humans are. We strive, we progress from one state to another, the latter perceived as the better, of course. We go in circles. On & on. We all do.

The hubby is my best friend. Best male friend, that is, besides being my spouse, my soul mate, my confidant, my lover. It's not like he's all loving all the time. That is a romantic idea of most women. For the record, the hubby is born in the year of the tiger!

Tigers are physically powerful, gracious, independent and brave, they are extremely bold animals. They are friendly and loving but can also be selfish and short tempered. Tigers seek attention and power; frequently they are envious in a relation. They are intolerant, take risks and are always searching for excitement. Tigers are also instilled with a good dose of courage.

People that are born in the Year of the Tiger are generally well liked because of their charismatic personalities. Often, failing at a given duty or being unproductive in his personal or professional life can cause a Tiger to experience a deep sense of depression.A Tiger is always at their happiest when they endeavor to climb the ladder of success. Attaining the top spot is his foremost purpose; being in a position of power is her ultimate goal. They are quick learners, need to be challenged and often prefer to work alone. Some Tigers tend to change careers more frequently because they get bored quite easily. They are natural born leaders and perform at their best if working towards positions of power and influence. So once there is no further room for progression, they will often move on to something else.

Anyone that is born in the Year of the Tiger is usually straightforward and outgoing by nature. They will never give up no matter how aggravated they may become. But, they are also full of suspicion and at times will take hasty action. Never lose sight of the fact that Tigers are smart and instinctive.

As the tiger year draws to a close, I stand face to face with it & look it in the eye & say: That was nice. That was a good fight. The taste of blood. The taste of victory because I am still standing baby.

But a woman doesn't like a fight, really. She can wear her power suit & behave like she's boss to everyone else. But what a woman wants is just this: she wants to turn to her hubby, look him in the eye, give him a squeeze & a big hug & say: Thanks honey. That was a good fight. Let's go home & make some dinner.

Life may go on in a circle - and I dun have to be a prophet or an analyst to know that it's going to be the same circle again in the bunny year. But when there's someone you can go home to, when there's someone you can make dinner for, the circle of life seems less arduous, less aching, less of a repetitive trial.

I don't care if the new year sucks. It may. It may not. One day, I feel it does. The next day perhaps I feel better. All that matters: that someone who will stay with you, as you go on & on, in this circle of life. That someone who is there to hear your complains, your grievances, to share your moments of happiness, bliss & contentment.


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