Every season we stand

Every season we stand
Trip to Perth (Photographed in 2014)

Saturday, July 31, 2010





月亮代表谁的心: 这首歌就是我们相爱的开始。

这么多年以后,我们还是 David Tao 的 fans 。

                         *****                                            *****

曾经看过纪念邓丽君的一部回忆录, 觉得她真是一个很优秀的歌手。我童年时期,周围的大人听的都是她的歌,当时的我也跟着哼唱。没想到关于月亮的歌会是我这一生中最美丽的主题曲。


高速公路的一段路程, 真是毕生难忘。


The trailer of the movie

Syrian Chicken with Couscous

The inaugural Syrian Chicken was served some years back in celebration of a special occasion. There is quite a bit of work and time involved. Hence, I only cook it once in a blue moon. The chicken pieces (preferably boneless thigh meat) are marinated with powdered cumin, tumeric, flour etc., browned first and then simmered slowly in a broth made up of stock, honey, lemon juice, white wine etc.

The capsicums were grilled only briefly to retain its crunchiness.

Tagliatelle Magic

Have not whipped up a tagliatelle dish for a good number of months. Then, on a particular wet, cool day in July, for no reason, I just felt like reviving this abandoned culinary attempt.

This year's July has been eventful. There was the personal stay-home period due to hospitalization leave and there was the memorable Orchard Road flood. A national mishap of sorts accompanied my own personal tragedy. How queer & how poignant!

The consolation came in subtle ways. A day in July that felt very much like a cold Christmas holiday and a very satisfied husband who left no trace of food on his plate and gave me the thumbs up.

Friday, July 23, 2010




放开胸怀,天空仍然辽阔, 海也仍旧无止境。




想起了许久以前许冠杰唱的一首歌 ‘浪子心声’里头这两句歌词:
命里有时终须有, 命里无时莫强求。


Monday, July 19, 2010


为什么韩剧里的女主角哭的时候, 总是只流眼泪,不流鼻涕哪?真美。而深情的男



近几个星期,我们都很少出门。昨天,不知何故,Dear 他忽然兴起,上网下载了‘我的野
蛮女友’, 边看边笑, 自得其乐。

每到电影里可爱的车太贤演绎滑稽的部分,Dear 他总会回过头,在爽朗的咯咯笑声中,望

这部电影我们曾经看过好多回了,该笑的部分,我已经觉得不好笑了。但看到 Dear 他像
一个小孩似的,还非常的陶醉在戏里面, 我也感染了他的那份开心与轻松的心情。


我没想重看这部戏,却想再听一听戏里动人心弦的主题歌: I Believe 。

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The brand new *SCAPE: In Synch with Nature (Part 2)

For me, the Wow factor lies in how the building's design actually blends in with the surrounding trees. 
That is REALLY cool!

A toast and coffee,

a rice burger,

  or just ice cream?

If you could eat them in this green environment, I am certain they will taste a little more special.

The brand new *SCAPE: In Synch with Nature (Part 1)

Sunday. A slow start to the day. Overcast skies. Armed with a huge brolly enough for two people, we wandered off at a snail's pace to Somerset. Being bored with 313@Somerset, we thought we would walk a little further and check out the new *SCAPE, the new kid-on-the-block targeted mainly at, well - kids, teens and the young-at-heart, I suppose.

After its fanfare opening last month in June (as reported by RAZORTV), SCAPE in mid-day Sunday appeared rather forlorn and forgotten. With just drips and draps of human traffic in the mall and the restaurants and cafes lining the facade of the mall mostly empty, it seems a far cry from being the vibrant, lively, inspiring and creative youth hangout it is slated as. (Or is it me, I tend to visit at 'ghostly' hours? Sunday mid-day is sleep-in for youths lah!)

Inside the mall, the mix of retail and restaurants are certainly youth crowd-pullers with funky shopfronts and dazzling interiors.

The building also has very generous open balconies. There is one I like with lots of foliage and another that just opens up to a view of the real estate at Devonshire Road.

But what struck me most is the greenery. I love that the trees didn't have to make way for the construction but are preserved with spaces meticulously planned around them. 

Thursday, July 15, 2010


这是一部非常真挚感人的电影。很久以前看过, 今天再重温影片的主题曲, 我


心若倦了 淚也乾了  這份深情 難捨難了 曾經擁有 天荒地老  已不見你 暮暮與朝朝 這一份情 永遠難了  願來生還能 再度擁抱 愛一個人 如何廝守到老  怎樣面對一切 我不知道 回憶過去 痛苦的相思忘不了  為何你還來 撥動我心跳 愛你怎麼能了  今夜的你應該明瞭  緣難了 情難了

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My lovely niece & her mobile phone

Ash has finally gotten her own handphone. It's a coming of age, assuming responsibility & ownership of sorts.

I am most happy cos now we can stay in touch & have fun conversations even if I don't get to see her.

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